The Diet/Cholesterol/Heart Disease Hypothesis

Today the word ‘cholesterol’ has become a household name, and many people live in fear of heart disease if their count rises above 5. Yet it is interesting to note that we have an epidemic of heart disease, despite the fact that so many people are taking the drugs.

The liver manufactures about 75% of the body’s cholesterol, which is a soft waxy substance. It is also found in the bloodstream where it helps produce cell membranes, hormones, bile acids that help digest fat, and make Vitamin D. It is also vital for neurological function.

We are never told how important cholesterol is, and that in fact it is not your enemy. How can it be when it is needed by every cell in your body? In fact it can be more dangerous to have very low cholesterol levels. This is confirmed by many experts in the medical field.

Consider these findings of a very long lasting study carried out in Honolulu and published in The Lancet August 2001: 
"Our data accord with previous findings of increased mortality in elderly people with low serum cholesterol, and show that long term persistence of low cholesterol concentration actually increases the risk of death. Thus, the earlier that patients start to have lower cholesterol concentrations, the greater the risk of death".

Cholesterol is also a precursor to all your steroid hormones. In other words it is necessary in the making of estrogen, testosterone, cortisol etc.

So in summary, in the eyes of conventional medicine, they conclude that elevated cholesterol levels is the cause of heart attacks. 

However the question is never asked, may there be another underlying cause/causes to damaged arteries? 
Just by lowering your levels, you are not addressing the root of the problem at all, in fact there are a host of side effects which occur when medicated.


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