Keep Your Cells Happy!

Just as one must have a good strong foundation to support a house, so we must have strong cells to serve as a foundation for good health. Keeping our cells healthy and strong is not difficult; it is simply a matter of living the 5 truths of the HCC. 

The HCC is a concept that is at the very core of keeping your cells happy.
This concept recognises that health starts with the most basic unit of the body – the cell. Cells group together to form organs, which in turn group to form body systems.
These 5 elements of the HCC are: cell food, cell exercise, cell environment, cell protection and a healthy mental attitude:
Cell Food : Our cells need the nutrients from fresh, whole foods, as well as high-quality nutritional supplements.
Cell Exercise: Exercise provides strength, endurance, flexibility, mental alertness, and stress relief.
Cell Environment : A clean environment, beginning with the water we drink and the air we breathe, has an impact on the body’s cells.
Cell Protection : A healthy immune system is the best defence against disease and illness. Proper nourishment, rest, and stress management will help support and strengthen the body.
Healthy Mental Attitude : A positive attitude yields positive results. Laugh, be happy, and you can help your cells fight off illness and disease.

The Importance of Water
Recent scientific research proves that adding an extra litre of water daily could help the average woman lose about 44 percent more weight during a 12-week time period. That adds up to 87 percent more weight loss in one year’s time. The evidence behind water’s benefits for a healthy body and incredible weight loss continues to mount. Water can reduce appetite by 20 percent as it slows the rate that foods moves through the body, decreasing hunger and cravings. By contrast, sugary sodas have the opposite effect, raising blood sugar and leading to increased calorie consumption at meals. Sodas are the number one source of empty calories in a standard diet. To cut back on soda, drink water before a meal to reduce the urge to reach for a sugary drink. Another reason to drink water before a meal is metabolism. Dehydration can lead to lower metabolism, which can ultimately lead to weight gain. Drinking water is especially important for those over the age of thirty-five.
As we age, the body’s natural mechanism for thirst begins to decline, meaning we may not be drinking enough to stay hydrated. Drinking two glasses of water before a meal solves this problem. Keep the water ice cold, and you could increase fat burning by 30 percent. The short-term boost is believed to be a result of special tissue that helps prevent body temperature from dropping too low, turning stored fat into body heat. Ice water activates the cells in the tissue, giving you an hour or two of extra fat burning. Need more proof that drinking water before a meal has health benefits? Try the psychological boost. A study by the University of Minnesota and Harvard found that drinking water before a meal increases anticipation for a meal and makes it more likely that we will savor food slowly. The unique advantage to this strategy is that it works counter intuitively to most diet plans: You feel happy and content as opposed to stressed and deprived. Don’t overlook water!. The real benefits of drinking more water can wash away the pounds, cut calories, and improve your food enjoyment. Live healthy and lose weight with the simplest diet of all: Drink more water.
Walk off two pounds a week in just ten minutes per day Exercise need not be complicated. In fact, it can be as simple as a 10-minute walk! Research has shown that walking works better than longer and more stressful exercise routines, and the tipping point for a host of health benefits is a quick ten minutes. In fact, instead of one long walk each day, you can lose 100 percent more weight by walking three times, ten minutes each. If you can find ten-minute windows of free time throughout your day, you can be on your way to significant weight loss. Ten minutes of walking triggers a number of compounds that burn fat and calories and relax blood vessels to bring down blood pressure. These metabolites (a substance produced by metabolism) appear during any type of workout, but they will only appear once. When you perform three ten-minute walks, you get the metabolite benefits three times. That means tripling the fat burning, tripling the reduction in blood pressure, and tripling the blood sugar stabilization. The blood sugar benefits mean that you may be hungry less often and your junk food cravings may diminish. Walking can lead to better food choices—a key to a healthy weight. Mini workouts are a staple for athletes desiring to achieve a fighting weight. They shed pounds by boosting metabolism through a series of workout sessions.
Three mini walks have the same effect. Conventional wisdom says that extended walks are the ideal exercise solution, but the research reveals a shortcut. Why walk long when you can get better, greater, amazing results by keeping it quick and easy? Take that first step, and begin the psychological boost to carry you through your super simple walking routine. Triple your fat melting, calorie burning, and blood pressure lowering by walking three times a day. If you can find bits of free time throughout your day, you have all you need for a workout routine that others will envy. Losing weight and being healthy is easily within your reach. For fat-blasting without the sweat, gym, or cost, the research backed solution is a trio of ten-minute walks. Get moving, and watch the pounds fly!
Monitor Your Body pH
Weight loss and your body pH go hand in hand. When your pH is balanced, it is easier to lose weight. As you begin your weight loss program, you should start monitoring your body pH with the AIM pH Test Kit to check for acidity. An acidic pH creates a body environment that can lead to health problems and weight gain. Neutralizing the excess acid in your body provides many benefits, including inflammation reduction and weight loss.
Strong, healthy cells equal a strong, healthy body.


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